Let me chime in to say that I would have liked better printing
capabilities on several occasions. I did try the Report Generator some
time ago, but frankly, I couldn't figure out how to make it work, and
for my particular need, I was able to solve the problem another way,
although not without quite a bit of scripting gymnastics.

My current project only requires the ability to dump the current card to
the printer, and even that is an ordeal because of the difference
between the screen fonts and the printer fonts. I had to do all kinds of
juggling to get all the text to print out, and it's still not perfect,
but it will do. I've followed the many printing discussions with
interest (and saved many of the workarounds for future reference),
dreading the day when I might have to print out the styled contents of a
set of scrolling fields.

You can consider this a vote for better printing capabilities within


Tuviah M Snyder wrote:
> Andu wrote:
> >What I don't understand  is the fact that no one mentions externals for
> MC
> >to supplement special needs.
> I do all the time.
> >With your extensive HyperCard culture I'm sure you can find an external
> for
> >printing that does what you want and works with MC too, few of them
> don't .
> I've found that most, if not all of the stuff in the recently released
> WetWare Collection and Listmaster external don't work.
> There seem to be too many internal differences between SC-HC and MetaCard
> that any external which relies heavily on one product doesn't work like
> it should in the other. This is one of the reasons why I'm currently
> developing a MetaCard external for the MacOS.
> >For Windows...
> Is that an open invitation? Judging from the response I've gotten for the
> Report Generator, it seems that printing is at the bottom of people's
> lists.

Marni Centor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Summit Systems, Inc.
22 Cortlandt Street
New York, NY 10007
(212) 896-3466
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