> Nice to know you're thinking ahead, Scott -- I can hardly wait to get started 
>writing systems with multiple gigabyte-plus scripts! ;-)
> --

I was wondering : when compared to my projects made with
HC and OMO between 1987 and 96, the size of my current
projects under MC has increased (mainly due to all the pix,
sounds & QT movies).
But does the size of scripts increase as well ? With all the
build-in functions, it's often possible to use 1 single line
of code for what took a whole handler several years ago...
I remember writing scripts 32 kbytes long in OMO, when
a few kbytes are enough today, and for projects of similar
(and even greater) complexity...
Do you folks share the same experience ?

One last question (from the devil's advocate) : does MC
really features the right tools to write (and debug) several
GB of script ?


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