It is my understanding that these are OK. The limit of 0 for standalones would apply to 'set the script of ..." during the execution of the standalone. If you don't do that in your scripts, then you are OK.

Currently I do not believe you can set a script in a standalone. A Hypercard game I created used setting scripts. When I recreated the game in Metacard, I had to remove that because it didn't work once the game was compiled into a standalone. Something about the limitations apparently prevented it.

So presumably, this is not something that the new limit affects.

Shari C
Gypsy King Software

I bet you were trying to set the scripts that had more than 10 lines and exactly that limit prevented you from doing so. If you test, you will see that setting shorter scripts works. Once they change the limit to 0, setting scripts in standalones will not be possible at all. From what I understand, the "do" limit will remain at 10.

I think that they are becoming slowly more paranoid about someone producing a competing interface or producing programs that bypass the licensing system. Personally, I do not have a problem with them changing those limits IF they institute a mechanism of allowing to change it on application basis and with reasonable licensing.

In practical terms, their are cutting off people who produced MC/Rev programs with the demo -- the new approach is that people get 30-day fully functioning demo but then pay or nothing. That is a big change in strategy but in parallel with them cutting down cross-platform features for cheaper license options.

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