Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
For the above points there are no differences between Rev and MC, but

- The format of the "text of image" property is different in Rev and MC - tested both in stacks and standalones.

Rev sets the default paintCompression to PNG and MC sets it to RLE. I suspect this is done in the RevCommon library, but I haven't actually looked. To test equivalencies, it would be good if you set the the paintCompression to PNG in MC too.

Resetting an image to its previously stored text in MC and the MC IDE results in a blank image (unless the text was stored using Rev and the stack after that opened in MC).

This means that you cannot use the text property to store and retrieve images in MC.

Even though you are using the same engine, are you saving the stacks with the same stackFileFormat?

The different format of the text of image property in Rev can be seen when you put the retrieved text into a field:

The first line of the image text in Rev always contains "‰PNG", which is missing in MC.--

The big question - similar to the one about imagedata, but this time to the disadvantage of MC - is (as both IDEs and standalones use the same engine) what is being added to the Rev standalone that allows proper handling of the "text of an image"?

As far as I know (which may not be enough) it's just the difference in the paintcompression property.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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