The majority that produce _falls_, yes, but not _finds_, I think. That is, your typical find (either a single individual or several pieces) probably didn't come from a spectacular meteor event. Of course, finds in large strewn fields are a different matter.

Atmospheric entry models demonstrate that it's not difficult for a small body to drop a few rocks on the ground without ever depositing the sort of energy into the atmosphere we associate with bright fireballs lasting several seconds and producing audible acoustics at ground level.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

On 4/14/2014 10:26 AM, Raymond Borges wrote:

Regarding this comment "In all likelihood, the majority of meteorite
falls are not preceded with
either a significant fireball nor any acoustics."

I think the majority of meteorite falls that produce finds will
exhibit these features based on the meteorite books I have read from
Nininger and Norton among others. What do others think?


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