Hello Trond

Le 11-avr-00, Trond K. Tveit a écrit:

>TT Just diskcovered that MiamiDx no longer adjust my clock correctly when using
>TT the Get time option. My ENV:TZ variable hasn't changed either.

Me too. That is because MiamiDx 1.0 does not use TZ anymore
but looks for the locale settings. 

Personally, I would prefer to have the choice between using
TZ or Locale.library depending upon which is best fit for one's

It happens that there are so many time zone / geographical
locations combinations that locale doesn't support that for the
time beeing, I'd prefer to stay with TZ.

In my case, living in the French archipelago of St.Pierre et Miquelon,
near the east coast of Canada ( Country Code PM, lat 46°47' N,
long 56°11' W not supported by locale.library which can't understand 
I am both in France and at UTC - 2, same time zone as Greenland ), 
this is a real problem.

Holger, if you are reading this, could you consider implementing
a choice at this level, i.e. let the user choose between time adjustment
according to TZ or according to locale.library

Kind Regards

Philippe Reux


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