Hello... this is my first post in this list :)

Got myself a VISA-card last day, and what more then the obiouslly, then
MiamiDeluxe-upgrade from Miami was the very first VISA-transaction made ;)
And it went sooooo smoooooth too, just a few seconds...

Anyway, i checked the homepage for the archive of this mailllist, is there any
FAQ of this maillist, or is there possible to get an archive of all the stored
messages, to read offline, instead of using the html? Cheaper to read offline,
you know :)

Next question: Using MiamiDX v1.0c on a singel-user setup

I have turned on system-warnings, to inform me if someone tries to access my
ip (machine). I use the net with PPP and ISDN-modem, the "standard" way, I
guess. So, just a few minutes ago, i got this message:

13.05.00 15:36:09 Access from host x.x.x.x to port tcp/27374 allowed.

Instead off x.x.x.x I saw a real ip, just dont want to show it here.

Should I be worried? And what is the port tcp/27374?

I did a traceroute on the ip, and it comes from inside the same isp i have,
and it's inside my country. I guess it's just another net-user logged on the
same isp i have, tried something on my ip address?

Any comments or hints if my system is, because of this, "open for attack" from
the outside is very much looked forward to read.

Thanks for reading to the end of this mail... :)


 *Dagfinn Olsen*                   ///    \\\|/// A3000/040-33/70MB/CV64/ZIP
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] \\\  ///      (@ @)  17"/32xCD/DelfinaLITE/VLab
 http://home.sol.no/~dolsen \\\/// ---oOo-(^)-oOo--- Thor #1652 'the best!
 *Using Amiga since 1989*      \///         (_)             SS (MacOS 7.5.5)


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