
Relatively new subscriber here. Sorry for the lag in this response.

On 9 Aug 2006, at 18:41, Chris Messina wrote:

We could offer either a case study ("XCorp started by locating all
references to people and locations on their website. They then marked
up their pages using hcard. Specifically, this is the code they

I've been puzzling over this for a while. I'd like to offer an hcard but ...

In my case, there is a set of key individuals who, for operational reasons, are not directly contactable. Specifically, they choose not to publish their email address or direct line number. An assistant's name, email and direct line is advertised as the point of contact for the key individual.

I don't see any way of expressing this adequately using μf. Or have I just not thought hard enough?


Graham Higgins.

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