On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 12:29 +0000, Robert O'Rourke wrote:
> Martin McEvoy wrote:
> > Hello Robert
> >   
> Hi Martin, nice meeting you the other day

Well met too its surprising the places that you meet people ;)

> > On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 18:39 +0000, Robert O'Rourke wrote:
> >   
> >> For cover tracks you'd have something like:
> >>
> >>   <span class="contributor vcard">
> >>   <span class="role">Original Artist</span> -
> >>   <span class="fn org">Primal Scream</span>
> >>   </span> 
> >>     
> >
> > Here is the best action I have seen using roles, It may be useful to the
> > discussion.
> >
> > from http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-examples-in-wild-reviewed
> >
> >
> > http://www.iowamilitaryveteransband.com/members/
> >
> > their roles are the instruments that they play
> >
> > Roles are *NOT* defined in hAudio as such other than..
> >
> > "The role attribute SHOULD be used to specify the contributor's
> > responsibility related to the audio recording if hCard is utilized"
> > http://microformats.org/wiki/haudio#Contributor
> >
> >
> > the context comes from hcard
> >
> > "Information regarding the role of the object"
> > http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-classes
> >
> > the "object" in most cases the person.
> >
> > whats good is, its user defined, we may be able to give sensible hints
> > to what you put in there but really it's up to the publisher the choice
> > is yours eg: "groupie", or "stage hand" could be fun!.
> >
> > "original artist", "band", "group", "quartet" are valid roles I would
> > say
> >
> > so are
> >
> > "vocalist", "bassist", "drummer", "producer", "artist" for individuals
> >
> > If we had a "hPunchup" microformat you could have a role of "looser" ;)
> >   
> Ha! and a vevent for every punch. Never thought of marking up a boxing 
> match until now!

It could be reused in hArgument? ...chuckle....

> > I AM worried that we should be using "title" instead of "role" in some
> > cases...
> >   
> That depends if you look at a piece of music as having "jobs" associated 
> with it. Is a piece of music some work that people were employed to 
> create or only a creative endeavour?. 

In the case of manufactured "bands" I would say that all involved are 
employed and have Job Titles... as do professional musicians maybe.

> It can be either, but as far as 
> hAudio is concerned I would say "role" is most appropriate. Thoughts?

I agree Roles are more important than their job titles as the two may
not be related or have any context in the making of a piece of audio.

I think the problem with the above is quite often in audio roles and job
titles are quite often the same..

Manu explained the differences quite nicley to me..

A role is "what you do", where a title is "what your
official title is at the organization".

Role is hardly ever used in hcard in the "real world",and as a result
not much info, I think maybe more information about "role" can be added
to the hAudio wiki, perhaps even some good recommendations?


Martin McEvoy
> > Thanks
> >
> > Martin McEvoy
> >
> >   
> Cheers,
> Rob

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