Andy Mabbett wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robert O'Rourke

And are groups/bands considered to be an organisation?


        <foo class="fn org">Pink Floyd</foo>

not least because the alternative:

        <foo class="fn">Pink Floyd</foo>

would be "optimised" (sic) to have a given name of "Pink" and a family
name of "Floyd".

I don't disagree that groups/bands should be considered organisations.

That said, I don't think the reason offered here is a strong one. The issue described is directly related to FN's (over?)reuse beyond its original vCard scope of person names, to cover any name.

[Not only has this led to the fn/title debate, but it seems some implementors are confused between following the vCard semantics (FN only for person names) or the hCard ones (FN for any name). See., which uses an empty FN, resulting in their vCard not being detected by Operator, only the address]


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