On [Nov 16], at [ Nov 16] 2:33 , Toby A Inkster wrote:

Imagine the following comments:

- Comment A to the main article at 1:00 pm.
- Comment B to the main article at 2:00 pm.
- Comment C in reply to comment A at 3:00 pm.
- Comment D in reply to comment B at 4:00 pm.

Where did you see this on the web? I don't doubt such comments actually exist, but hypothetical examples prove a waste of everyone's time. This whole thread reminds me of the blind men and the elephant story [1]. Since everyone else seems certain they know what a comment typically looks like, please assume I don't, and provide the URLs of real world examples I would need to understand your points.

[1] http://www.noogenesis.com/pineapple/blind_men_elephant.html

Scott Reynen

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