Hello Derek,

you wrote:
> Hi all, I've got the following code from the example site...
> <? if ($article->url) { ?>
> <p>Check out:<br><a href="&(article.url:u);">&(article.url);</a></p> <!-- :u
> means in URL form -->
> <? } ?>
> <p align="right">
>   <a href="/news/" class="navi">More news</a></p>
> it works except the url tries to send me to:
> http://server.com/news/http://other.site.com
> when the desired resule would be:
> http://other.site.com
This url is not intended to be clickable, it was provided as example
of &(variable:modifier); syntax. However, to avoid misunderstanding,
it is corrected in Midgard 1.2.6.

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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