On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Paul Newby wrote:

> Anyone know of a problem with article fetch() in 1.2.4?
> For some reason I'm not getting $article->content back.
> So, for example, the output of
> which is missing $a->content.
> Seems kinda hard to imagine that this is an undiscovered
> bug, but I can't see what else could be wrong here.

content is indeed not returned. Alexander, I think this deserves to
be amended in 1.2.6, no?

> By the way, there's a little typo in the manual at
> http://www.midgard-project.org/manual/function.list-topic-articles.html
> There's an extra "$" in the example in the line
> ?> &($article.name); <br> <?php

Fixed, thank you.


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