hi Emile -

how do you apply this patch? I am developing (starting to!) in Midgard, but
I didnt' do the install. Just wondering so I can have our tech guy install
this, so that Javascript will work in the midgard-created pages.

Also, is there a way I can find out what version he installed? I am
guessing it was 1.2.5, but not sure. (is there a spec page somewhere on our
installtion of it I can access via http do you think?)


-Ed Sawyer

>> I downloaded the patch you put on your site dated 13-June ... for the
>> record it's not a patch but the whole file.
>Are you sure you got the right file? I have just downloaded
>http://www.midgard-project.org/~emiliano/lang-scan-lex.patch and it was a
>patch (about 1k).
>> "JavaScript1.2"> parent.frames.nav.location.reload(); HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>> Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:02:40 GMT Server:
>This gets printed _before_ any page content? Urgh. It's going to be a busy
>evening I see...

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