> -----Original Message-----
> From: Emiliano Heyns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 28 June 2000 23:42
> Subject: Re: [midgard] Alternative Expressions
> > Is there a similar subsitute - perhaps with function calls - for:
> > <(content)>
> >
> > and
> >
> > <[body]>
> >
> > ?  Even if its unweildy I'm still interested just for knowledge sake.
> OK, you want unweildy, we got unweildy:
> <? $p = mgd_get_page($midgard->page); ?>&(p.content:p);
> That's for <[content]> and <[title]>. For the rest of the tags you're
> SOL I'm afraid. You can pull them from the database and execute them in
> a similar manner but you'd have to rebuild most of mod_midgard in PHP
> to get all of it.

Fair enough.  I like to know where my boundries are.

> > Mainly 'cos my favoured html editor complains because <[...]>
> is not valid
> > markup and it keeps fixing it for me to &lt;[....]&gt;
> >
> > No prizes for guessing which editor I use... (there's a clue
> somewhere in
> > this message).
> You mean something like 'X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build
> 4.71.2173.0'?
> Ah well, no prices.

yeah, jolly old MS Frontpage 2000.  I can turn off html reformatting - but
then it doesn't er... reformat my html (table tags & such) to make them look
nice!  Ah well!

Thanks for your repsonse, it was most enlightening.


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