Justin wrote:

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, -ray wrote:

Did more troubleshooting today. I think this is a multiplexor problem. I started logging the # of sendmail and MD processes. At some point it appears the multiplexor decides to stop spawning new slaves, and sendmail processes start backing up. Log created with:

This sounds familiar. Unfortunately I never got my problem fixed either so I can give you a solution. I'm no longer using the problem box for email so the problem isn't a problem to me anymore. I'm of course having another round of temp failing problems on another box but I believe they are unrelated. If you do figure this out, please give the list the low down. I'm sure it affects many more than you and I.

I'm having the same problem here. A co-worker was trying to send a big file to another co-worker and the mail server kept on throwing a Error 451. Unfortunately, I don't know how big the file is.

I read on this thread that by resetting MD it should return to normal.
I did that, and it seems to have worked.  But I'm certain that it'd do
that again sooner or later.

Currently, "md-mx-ctrl status" gives:

Max slaves: 10
Slave 0: idle
Slave 1: idle
Slave 2: stopped
Slave 3: stopped
Slave 4: stopped
Slave 5: stopped
Slave 6: stopped
Slave 7: stopped
Slave 8: stopped
Slave 9: stopped

I'll check that again when the system chokes again.


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