On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Lucas Albers wrote:

> Justin said:
> > On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Edmund wrote:
> >
> >> I'm having the same problem here.  A co-worker was trying to
> >> send a big file to another co-worker and the mail server kept
> >> on throwing a Error 451.   Unfortunately, I don't know how big
> >> the file is.
> > then returns a 451.  I'm going to inquire with the list about this under
> > separate cover tomorrow, after I test a few more things.  I've had to
> > disable MD in the mean time.  It's very odd.
> I run sendmail on a 7.3 box, mimedefang 2.33, sendmail 8.12.8, and it has
> never had timeout issues from large file size. I handle 15 meg files
> routinelly.
> I turned off spam checking for authenticated and internally sent mail, as
> some clients were suffering timeouts.
> you can just swatch your log, and only restart mimedefang/sendmail when it
> is suffering a timeout. My guess is something in your filter is taking a
> long time to process the email.

Thanks for the reply.  These messages weren't of any abnormal length.  In 
fact the majority of them weren't as long as this message is.  MD did 
regularly temp fail mail to my usenet alias.  The only mail I ever 
received there was infected mail.  It temp failed just about anything 
though regardless of size.  I still have that box and the installation 
intact.  It doesn't however handle mail anymore and it wouldn't be easy to 
set it up to handle mail at the present time either.  Perhaps after I move 
I can revive that machine and try to figure out what went wrong.  My 
current server is what I'm focusing on at the moment though.


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