Justin said:
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Edmund wrote:
>> I'm having the same problem here.  A co-worker was trying to
>> send a big file to another co-worker and the mail server kept
>> on throwing a Error 451.   Unfortunately, I don't know how big
>> the file is.

> then returns a 451.  I'm going to inquire with the list about this under
> separate cover tomorrow, after I test a few more things.  I've had to
> disable MD in the mean time.  It's very odd.
I run sendmail on a 7.3 box, mimedefang 2.33, sendmail 8.12.8, and it has
never had timeout issues from large file size. I handle 15 meg files
I turned off spam checking for authenticated and internally sent mail, as
some clients were suffering timeouts.
you can just swatch your log, and only restart mimedefang/sendmail when it
is suffering a timeout. My guess is something in your filter is taking a
long time to process the email.

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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