On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 14:35:09 -0600, Abraham Al-Saleh proclaimed...

> Alright, before I go to far, I'm going to present what I know, what I 
> need, and what I've read so far. We had a recent scare at my company, we 
> lost conectivity with our isp for about ten minutes because of a glitch. 
> Due to the nature of our company, we have to have 100% uptime, and our 
> SLA only guarantees us 99.999%. 

At best you'll get 5 9's. Why don't you look at multiple locations? After
all, if your business is that critical, a power outage due to a bad circuit
in the street outside where there is *supposed* to be redundancy but there
isn't will cause pain.

I'd also be curious to know what kind of location you're at if you need 100%
uptime with T1 links.

- Eric

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