Theo de Raadt <> wrote:

> I think I do more than enough and don't need to make promises to
> outsiders just to keep this project alive.  I bet all the developers
> feel the same way.

Fair enough.  Ignoring my particular case for the moment, I was trying
to generalize the suggestion with the thought that most corporate 
sponsers would need at least a rudimentary, "this is why we're spending
the money, and that is how we know when we're done" statement in their
records.  Not for you, but for themselves. As far as promises to outsiders
is concerned, I hadn't intended that as any more than, "when <feature>,
which we were planning on doing anyway, is ready, I will promise to
commit it".  That they would have committed it anyway is IMO irrelevent.

> Do we have to sell our souls as well?

Of course not. However I was under the impression that there was 
instances of funding in the past (DARPA? [at the risk of stirring
up bad blood]), and thus figured that it was worth it to ask the question.
I can't know in advance where in the spectrum someone sits between M$
and Stallman and what constitutes selling of one's soul, but thought
my suggestion was a variation that hadn't been discussed (or at least
not recently).

That the answer (for Theo at least) is "no" is fine, and I can respect
the reasons.  The discussion has given me (and perhaps others) at least
a couple of options for "CD bucket" contributions, and thanks for taking
the time to clarify things. I'll start with ammending my outstanding CD
order accordingly.


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