On 10/12/11 23:56 +1100, John Tate wrote:
>   On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:42 PM, richo <ri...@psych0tik.net> wrote:
>>    While I don't necessarily support the personal attacks, I can't say I
>>    totally
>>    disagree with the vibe of it.
>>    Please don't presume to psycho-analyse members of the list, and please
>>    develop some modesty. If you want hand holding and someone to explain
>>    something which is already documented, I would recommend one of the more
>>    newby friendly linuxes.
>   I am a guru of Linux systems with an immense respect for OpenBSD.
>   Stay off my website, I wish I could make it Objectivists only, because
>   what you are all doing is a STRAWMAN of my blog. I did not intend for it
>   to be that way, you had to, in your words translate. In my words that
>   means strawman.
>   Don't enter a logical debate with me. I am not interested.

Please don't top post. It makes it hard to read. If you must top post, please
post at the top of the message and not randomly halfway through. It makes it
impossible to read and a pain to fix (which I have done again).

The term guru, hacker and wizard are not generally applied to oneself. There
aren't many people I'd take seriously when they claimed it; and you're not
one of the. A cursory google suggests that you've never written anything, so
you'll forgive my doubts. Similarly, unless you're planning a one line post
with links to what you've written, I'm uninterested in this debate.

Demanding that I stay off your website, and then suggesting that you wish you
could make it accessible only to people who share your world view is in my
opinion retarded. I'm not convinced you really understand what freedom is. In
the name of helping the fellow man though, I recommend disconnecting that
machine from the internet immediately and mailing hardcopies of it's source
to parties you approave though, ideally encrypted such that character
assassins such as myself can't get hold of it's content in transit.

Finally, screaming strawman to redirect an argument away from it's original
point is delightfully poetic, but ultimately stupid. If people on the list
repeatedly take issue with your posts, it stands to reason that there is an
issue with your posts.

Some modesty would do you well, and unless you can populate 5 points of
reference that you've read throroughly in the footer of a "I need help" or
"how does this work" post, I would suggest that you have some more reading to


richo || Today's excuse:

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