On 2011/12/13 15:28, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
> I have Roundcube elsewhere.  It basically runs like any other
> IMAP/pop3 client, e.g., communicates over port 110/995/whatever.  My
> roundcube install isn't actually on my mail server.
> This leads me to think that copying system files into the chroot isn't
> going to help.

It has some special support for looking up usernames from a file
in virtusertable format. Can't say I've used it myself though..

> Using a mail client other than roundcube, can you authenticate to the
> server using user@domain, and send mail from user@domain?

Had Wesley followed the advice in my email about where to look
in the config file etc. he would probably have it working by now.

> > > See the config file, where it says "This domain will be used to
> > > form e-mail addresses of new users". Note that it says *new*;
> > > existing users will need to be changed in the database.

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