Wesley, I think once you've logged in with a user, you're stuck
with whatever was in the config file as has been previously said as it's
created the roundcube entries in the database. 

What you'll need to do
now for that user is to log into roundcube, click Personal Settings at
the top, then click identities and change the email address manually for

If you've a lot of users you could probably open up the database
manually and change the records directly. 


On 14/12/2011
06:33, Wesley M. wrote: 

> Hi,
> I use sendmail 8.14.15 with
virtusertable and procmail for multiple
> domains and
> dovecot 2.0; and
Apache (chrooted in /var/www)
> MAILDIR : /var/mailserver/%u/
> I just want :
> At the Roundcube login
page, type user1@domain1 and 
> send emails from this email
:user1@domain1 without @localhost
> Actually i can only log in with
user1 and when i send email, i have
> user1@localhost
> I tried this
> add these 2 lines
> in main.inc.php and cp /etc/mail/virtusertable
in /var/www/roundcubemail/
> $rcmail_config['plugins'] =
> $rcmail_config['virtuser_file'] =
> add a new user, try to connect with
user_new@domain1 : no success
> try to connect with user_new : OK but
> send emails with @localhost 
> I read man pages, a lot of
documents in
> Internet, it doesn't work for me.
> Any idea ? 
Thank you very much for your
> replies, your helps. 
> Wesley. 
www.mouedine.net [1]
> On Tue, 13 Dec 2011 20:48:16 +0000, Stuart
> wrote:
>> On 2011/12/13 15:28, Michael W. Lucas wrote:

>>> I have Roundcube elsewhere. It basically runs like any other
IMAP/pop3 client, e.g., communicates over port 110/995/whatever. My
roundcube install isn't actually on my mail server. This leads me to
think that copying system files into the chroot isn't going to help.
It has some special support for looking up usernames from a file in
virtusertable format. Can't say I've used it myself though.. 
Using a mail client other than roundcube, can you authenticate to the
server using user@domain, and send mail from user@domain?
>> Had Wesley
followed the advice in my email about where to look in the config file
etc. he would probably have it working by now. 
>>>> See the config
file, where it says "This domain will be used to form e-mail addresses
of new users". Note that it says *new*; existing users will need to be
changed in the database.


[2] mailto:s...@spacehopper.org

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