On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Mostaf Faridi wrote:

>Hello all guys,
>After long time I want buy labtop and I want use it in my work place , in
>my work place we have only wireless network and we do not have wire network
>and we have linksys router and other guys connect to linksys and use
>network .other guys use Windows ,but I want use OpenBSD , and I do not know
>which models ,I must buy .my new labtop must work in wireless network .
>Please help me which model I must buy . I can find Lenovo and Asus in here
>and I can find some model of Sony too.
>I want use OpenBSD with GNOME and I want use it as Desktop.
>Please guide me which model I must buy ? My notebook or my labtop must has
>6 gigabytes of RAM and has very powerful CPU

This can be very difficult to deal with since most manufacturers not
only won't tell you exactly what parts they're using but will change
them without notice.  What I did was to install the latest amd64
snapshot to a USB stick, boot that on the demo machines in stores, and
save the dmesg to the stick so I could analyze it later for unsupported
hardware.  Most (but not all) stores here were willing to let me do
this.  I eventually found a model where everything I cared about worked.


Dave Anderson

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