On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 18:38:25 +0000
Miod Vallat <m...@online.fr> wrote:

> > There's a minor error in http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html such that
> > it specifies that to "follow stable" you can pull the whole tree with cvs
> > and run as such.  This is not the case.  The 5.0-Stable tree will not
> > build without the tree being first primed with the 5.0-Release code.
> Of course it will, BUT you need to build from a 5.0 userland, which
> means that you should not update by extracting the `base' set only.

The 5.0-Release userland appears insufficient to this: this was a novel
installation from a 5.0Rel disk image:

previously, after a cd install of the rel image and direct cvs pull 
of the src tree using this kernel:

uname -svmpr
OpenBSD 5.0 GENERIC.MP#63 amd64 AMD A6-3670 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
compilation of the new kernel resulted in the mixed error.  

after priming the /usr/src tree from sys.tar.gz and src.tar.gz, and 
then updating with cvs, this same kernel compiled correctly.  Basically 
it was Ted's obs that tipped me off because most systems he speaks of 
would be incrementally built.

uname -svmpr
OpenBSD 5.0 GENERIC.MP#0 amd64 AMD A6-3670 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
is now compiling userland


Duncan Patton a Campbell is Dhu >>> Ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostro voco.

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