
I'm trying to compile the latest NTOP version 4.1.0 on OpenBSD RELEASE 5.0 x64 but am running into issues regarding automake and autoconfig.

Basically I installed:



The install script comes up saying this:

# ./autogen.sh

Starting ntop automatic configuration system v.0.2.3

  Please be patient, there is a lot to do...

1. Testing gnu tools....

You must have automake installed to compile ntop.
Download the appropriate package for your distribution, or get the
source tarball from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/automake
     We recommend version 1.6.3 or higher

You must have autoconf installed to compile autogen.sh.
Download the appropriate package for your distribution, or get the
source tarball from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/autoconf
     We recommend version 2.53 or higher

It's weird because both packages are installed and have confirmed that running: find / -name auto(conf and make).

Can anyone suggest anything?

I'm actually puzzled as to why the Ntop version on the public FTP servers are soooo old and out of date, I mean v1.x?????

With that there's no Web GUI and actually works more like some of the other cli packet sniffers am used to such as trafshow, jnettop, iptraf-ng etc......

It would be so awsome to see these on the FTP servers so that all one needs to do is just pkg_add them but am stuck now compiling and not sure if it's even gona work????



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