On 2012-03-11, Kaya Saman <kayasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well.... in mean time I found this:
> http://openports.se/devel/metaauto
> although I don't think it's installed as **find** didn't come up with 
> anything.

pkg_info | grep metaauto

Also look at locate(1) which uses a database generated weekly(8) to
speed up filename searches, and the pkglocate package (a locate
database of files from *all* packages, not just the installed ones,
also showing the package names).

ntop is in ports but horribly out of date. Newer versions had some
problems, I suspect many of these relating to how our old thread
library worked - I might take a look at updating the port sometime
now we're using rthreads. If you're looking at building it yourself
I would suggest waiting for base and package snapshots to start up
again, then upgrade everything to -current, before spending more
time on ntop.

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