On 2012-06-21 09:52, Simon Perreault wrote:
> On 2012-06-21 03:46, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:
>> My assigned block is  2800:40:402::0/48
>> My default gateway is 2800:40:402:ffff::ffff (it's inside my assigned
>> block).
> Hugo,
> Friendly suggestion: read a book on IPv6. If you had understood the
> above information, you wouldn't be talking about "bridging". This makes
> me think that your question isn't about OpenBSD, it is about IPv6. You
> need to understand IPv6 first, and then when you know exactly what you
> want on a protocol level you can come back and ask how to do it in OpenBSD.
> Simon

I have read a great deal regarding IPv6, and IIRC, if I subnet my
network block, my ISP would have to know it has to route traffic to that
subnet through the WAN IP address of my router.

The alternative would be to proxy ndp and have OpenBSD forward packets,
yet I don't see a way to proxy an entire subnet using ndp.

Am I missing something perhaps?

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera

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