On 2012-07-09, MERIGHI Marcus <mcmer-open...@tor.at> wrote:
> both hints were not enough on my very dirty (as in: updating not
> reinstalling for years) notebook:

That really shouldn't make a difference.

> Though I have run ``pkg_add -v -v -u -i -D update -D updatedepends'',
> ports/infrastructure/bin/out-of-date gives quite a list (see end of
> message). I've updated ports in advance: 

That's pretty much expected as there's a hackathon on at the moment,
lots of updates.

There was a specific problem with a missing library bump in base a week
or two ago that could have caused this, if you updated things at the wrong
time or using an out-of-date mirror you could have hit it. Make sure you're
using a mirror with packages no older than on ftp.openbsd.org. Noting your
domain name I'll point out that at the moment one Austrian mirror is down
and the other is out-of-date, if you're using this then try ftp.fr / ftp.ch
/ ftp.eu instead.

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