I regularly do use rsh and rcp in my work.
and ssh/scp when needed (public network)

Do you work with a small trusted group, because many attacks come from

depends on assumption. For every business i work i assume that co-workers doesn't harm and that's agreed with the boss.

With different assumption i would not just design everything different but actually lock every single person in separate room, controlling every more (because someone may just go to other room) etc...

I am not paranoid. If in any company you must fear that coworker is a security danger then something is definitely wrong with that company and it is not my job as an admin to fix it.

That's my opinion, i propose going off list.

And not with "free" email like @yahoo.co.uk about which you should be 10 times more feared than over your untrusty coworkers.

my .procmailrc redirect all "free" emails like this to /dev/null.

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