Thanks Christian

Specifying the MAC you suggested makes a big jump in performance.

SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128 -o]
98.65026953028924143858 MB/s
94.75118186708754888342 MB/s
93.67964795503113387533 MB/s
77.35326700132979443792 MB/s

SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128]
63.50306913748638001067 MB/s
63.09124016939771183475 MB/s
61.51859822693993063534 MB/s
52.67600175573777350882 MB/s

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:51:50AM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> David Diggles <> wrote:
> > I am looking for ways to speed up scp over 10GigE.
> > With parallel transfer of 4x 8GB files, I get
> > the following test results with various ciphers.
> > 
> > These tests maxed out 4 cores with encryption overhead.
> Assuming that crypto actually is your bottleneck, here are a few
> hints:
> First, use a faster MAC: -m
> > SSH Options: [-o Cipher=arcfour]
> > SSH Options: [-o Cipher=blowfish]
> These only apply to the SSH1 protocol and are ignored otherwise.
> > SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour]
> > SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=blowfish-cbc]
> > SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=aes256-ctr]
> > SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=3des-cbc]
> There are really three interesting ciphers: aes128-ctr, aes128-cbc,
> and arcfour128.
> aes128-ctr is the default and already plenty fast.
> aes128-cbc used to be the default until a security problem with the
> way CBC mode is used in the SSH2 protocol was discovered.  In
> principle it isn't any faster than aes128-ctr, but in practice it
> may be since it uses OpenSSL's optimized EVP_aes_128_cbc() function
> while aes128-ctr relies on calls to the low-level AES_encrypt()
> primitive.
> arcfour128 is the fastest cipher supported.  (Plain "arcfour" may
> be a tad faster, but has known security problems.)
> -- 
> Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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