Martijn van Duren schreef op zo 30-12-2012 om 17:15 [+0100]:
> I also found an old threat[1] where they say they have a patch for
> accessing ext2 partitions with a different inodesize then 128, although
> I can't find any information of what ever happened with that patch.
On some further investigation I found that big inodesizes have indeed
been implemented.[1][2][3] This explains why I can mount the filesystem
and use most of the files, but doesn't answer my question where the read
request go haywire or how I can actually debug this issue myself. (I
don't know how to debug/trace read(2), so it would be highly appreciated
if someone can explain me how to do this, or point me to the
documentation that explains me how to do this.)


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