You know, if you are going to edit a list response per chance you
should accord quotes correctly. I never wrote anything you referenced below.


Past hissy-fits are not a predictor of future hissy-fits.
Nick Holland(06 Dec 2005)

On Sat, 29 Dec 2012, Jiri B wrote:

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 03:35:39PM -0700, Diana Eichert wrote:
Everyone here knows what the BSD licence is: do what the fuck you want with
the code.  The only thing you're not allowed to do is claim you wrote it when
you didn't.

The licence does NOT prevent you from doing bad, evil things. Your moral
compass should.

If that annoys you, go back to the carebears GPL land.

My understanding of GPL after a presetantion of a company selling products
based on GDL code is that is is also a good for business - if you
use GPL you somehow restrict your competitors that use this code in their
products without giving their improvements back to public, so using
GPL you try to beat your competitors... This is my interpretation
of GPL based business for enterprises.

On the other hand, I still somehow understand other argument, similar
with science -- science achieved by mankind as such... but under control
or ruling class/big enterprises vs. free code always open for everybody
and code which once was open but any improvements can be not offered
to public.

Technically none of the licence has relevence, politically this is more
serious discussion but still the limit of the discussion is acceptance
of f*cking capitalist framework.


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