Hi Loic,

Am 13.08.13 15:43, schrieb � Blot:
Hello Marian,
i think you are right, because bsd.rd is required for last chance to
repair system, among others.

right. And I'd like to leave it untouched. This hopefully also increases the possibility that whatever we come up with might get added upstream... ;)

My vision is to have a system like we have in debian, i think it's
proper. In fact, the problem is not to modify the installer to use the
configuration file, it's to setup network automaticly to get this file.

On debian, URL is passed by a kernel variable on pxelinux
(url=http/ftp/tftp://...). If we can pass this variable to OpenBSD
boot.conf file (used for PXE), and setup URL + network method (we need
to set the config URL, and network methods (iface + dhcp/static) to get
this file), we can modify install script to use some obtained variabled,
loaded into this file.

Many people want this function, i think we must think together to see
what everybody want. What do you think about my proposed method ?

I agree that the most pressing point is automatic network configuration in order to be able to download additional configs, like disk config, package config, ...

I believe it's save to assume that a DHCP server is around, since this one is needed anyways to pxeboot the box. So after the boot of our netboot.rd kernel, we need to figure out which interface was used for pxe config and then do a dhclient on this interface. IIRC detection of available NICs is part of install.sub, so we might just use that routine. If we got an IP address, dhcp should probably give extra options, like the config server url where we then can find and download the additional configs.
From there it should be easy to do the fully automated installation.

After that, before the reboot we might want to be able to set up things like:
- serial console
- some default/random root pw
- some root ssh key
- maybe additional packages (like puppet)

then reboot.

We can also pass config file by DHCP (string record ?) or DNS (special
TXT record ?) but it's not really automated because it doesn't resolve
the networking connection problem.

We could and probably should use DHCP options, since as stated above, dhcp servers are available for the pxeboot anyways.

Should we take this discussion off the list now?
If so, who would like to be part of the next emails?
I'd guess Loic, me, phessler (?), Nick Bender (?) and I will also add a colleague some might know (Uwe Stuehler <uwe@>).


PS.: personal opinion: I like FAI (www.fai.org) much more then debians preseed.cfg... check it out ;)

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