Just my $0.02 worth.

OpenBSD asked for help.

Why everything we see is change this, change that, etc. Like they don't
know what they are doing for the last 20 years!

Either we can help or we can't. But please stop trying to tell everyone
how to do what they do best for the last 20 years like they have no clue
what they do...

If you sadly really think a bake sale will help. Then do it yourself and
then send the profit to the project. Or do what ever else you can to
help and so be it.

I fell so sad at the reaction of the community when the project is
asking for help and that's what they get.

And more shameful in between these sad emails I still see some asking
when this or that will be supported by the project as well...

What a shame...

Do what you can to help and stop telling others what to do please.

Talk to your company, friends, what ever for trying to help as well, or
come with an original idea and just do it.

If you think company should get letters from the project to help the
project, then write them yourself and try to make the case as I am sure
they all use something that came form OpenBSD in one way or an other,
but please stop telling the guys there what they should do!

They do plenty already!

Best regards,


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