> On Mar 1, 2014, at 3:21 AM, Hugo Villeneuve <h...@eintr.net> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 05:10:13PM +0100, Marko Cupa?? wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:48:13 -0500
>> Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
>>> openbsd.org does not have an A record. This should not affect you.
>> This is strange. I think I was able to access www.openbsd.org via http
>> on openbsd.org as well.
> It is common for modern browser to automatically try www.CURRENTDOMAINTRIED
> when CURRENTDOMAINTRIED doesn't have a A or AAAA address. It's a
> browser feature.

And a terrible idea IMHO. 

> openbsd.org doesn't have a CNAME record. CNAME record are dangerous.

Cannes themselves are not dangerous, however when being used for the "root" of 
a domain is _usually_ a bad idea just for the reasons you mentioned below. 

> They invalidate every other DNS record type associated with that
> entry. (That's why you usually add a A record to a domain name so
> that all the SOA, NS, MX records don't get affected.)

Josh Smith

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