Perhaps you misunderstood what I said. I have no gripe or issue with the 
openbsd project.  It's unarguable that having a CNAME record at the apex of a 
domain can lead to issues. I'm sure someone as intelligent and accomplished as 
yourself can find the relevant documentation. 

 I could care less if has an A record; is an A 
record, cname or any other type of record; or if the two domain names resolve 
to the same place or not. 

I was simply expanding on the technical point that should not be a 

Josh Smith

Phone: 304.237.9369(c)

Sent from my iPhone. 

On Mar 1, 2014, at 8:20 AM, Theo de Raadt <> wrote:

>> Cannes themselves are not dangerous, however when being used for the
>> "root" of a domain is _usually_ a bad idea just for the reasons you
>> mentioned below.
> If you start your own successfull project, you also can develop your
> own set of reasons for doing any of a variety of operational things
> at any point in time.
> In that situation, you would probably want to be left in piece.
> You seem to have a rather over-extented sense of entitlement towards
> telling me that I'm doing it wrong.  I hope it makes you feel really
> good.

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