On Sun, 23 Mar 2014, Robert wrote:


I have two external USB disks, 3TB and 4TB, in use like that.
So far no problems, even after hard reboots (power outage).
They are used for backups, and it's USB 2.0 - so I can't really say much about 
"intense writing"...


thanks for your response.

Did you tune the host filesystem in any way? What mount options do you use for both the host filesystem and the one on the vnd image?

By intensive writing I mean usage like "tar xzf ports.tar.gz" and such. It is not "so much" intensive, but it possibly may cause problems nonetheless.

I already did some experiments with a 40 GB vnd image. I saw a little slow tranfers over NFS (~ 6 MB/s and less when reading from the filesystem on a vnd) and one complete lock up when the vnd was under read/write load. But I was not able to reproduce the lock up later.


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