David Vasek [va...@fido.cz] wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Mar 2014, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
> >Keep in mind, vnd emulates 512 byte sectors because that's the default 
> >disklabel
> >that it uses
> (You probably mean a disktab, not a disklabel.)  I am aware of it. As vnd(4)
> is a descendant of svnd(4), mixing different sector sizes should not be a
> big problem. I think that the danger of hidden bugs is higher in the crypto
> code when used together with emulated 4k-byte sectors, which is used (read:
> tested) much less. I will try both variants, nonethless. Thank you.

Yeah you have to edit the disktab file to specify the block size to vnd.

I believe this is enough:


vnconfig -t 4k vnd0 /xyz/blah

Then the "on-disk" label can take over to describe your partitions and the
disk size. vnconfig won't load the partition offset/sizes anyways, you would
have to use disklabel -w or disklabel -R to write the partition info to the

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