On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:52:52 +0100 (CET)
David Vasek <va...@fido.cz> wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Mar 2014, Robert wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have two external USB disks, 3TB and 4TB, in use like that.
> > So far no problems, even after hard reboots (power outage).
> > They are used for backups, and it's USB 2.0 - so I can't really say much 
> > about "intense writing"...
> Hi,
> thanks for your response.
> Did you tune the host filesystem in any way? What mount options do you use 
> for both the host filesystem and the one on the vnd image?
> By intensive writing I mean usage like "tar xzf ports.tar.gz" and such. It 
> is not "so much" intensive, but it possibly may cause problems 
> nonetheless.
> I already did some experiments with a 40 GB vnd image. I saw a little slow 
> tranfers over NFS (~ 6 MB/s and less when reading from the filesystem on a 
> vnd) and one complete lock up when the vnd was under read/write load. But 
> I was not able to reproduce the lock up later.
> Regards,
> David

No tuning whatsoever.
The powers that be said "thou shall not twist knobs" ;)

Mount options for the file and VND: noatime, nodev, nosuid, softdep

I get 6MB/sec, but I guess that's the USB2.0 limit.
Those 8MB/sec over NFS is what I get as well (gbit LAN) for the internal disks 
- no matter if the server disk is softraid/crypto, or VND/crypto. On the client 
side all the nfsio start eating the CPU, and on the server side the nfsd. At 
some point the server/nfsd starts waiting for inode&biowait, and everything 
comes to a halt - until all the data is written to the disk. E.g., try to "dd 
if=/dev/zero of=/nfs/file bs=4k" and wait for a while (I guess until some cache 
fills up), or use ctrl-c.
Good luck tuning NFS...

Otherwise it works fine; as I said, I'm using it for backup with rsync 
(locally, not over NFS). Writing 1TB+ of files in one go was no problem.

kind regards,

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