On 10/27/14 20:19, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Major differences.
> The snapshot code is -current.  That includes commits from only a few
> hours earlier.  From time to time, it also contains changes which are
> not yet commited.

If I got you correctly the current "install56.iso" from the
snapshots directory is based upon code that is not supposed
to be included with the 5.6 code freeze. Wouldn't you agree
the the "56" in the snapshot filenames of today is misleading?

Looking at http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Flavors I
would suggest to increase the version information in the
snapshot file names as soon as the release tag is attached and
the -stable branch is created. This could help to avoid a lot
of confusion.

Thanx very much for your explaining words. Keep on your good


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