5.6 arrived today in syracuse, new york. right on time, just as usual. :)

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
>>Hopefully you agree that the file name "snapshots/amd64/install56.iso"
>>is misleading? Looking at the file name I had assumed/hoped there is some
>>kind of upgrade path from the "install56.iso" snapshot to the 5.6 release.
>>My mistake.
> It is not misleading in any way.
> Those two digits are looked at by the matching bsd.rd install goo.
> There must be two digits there.  You suggest using the ones from the
> just-released version is wrong, and we should use the next one,
> confusing other people.  It is bad either way.
> All of which allows me to say that you are the kind of person who
> can see something, make a wrong interpretation, get it explained,
> then double down on the argument!  But enough about you!

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