> Are there any efforts being made to port the FreeBSD Docker port to OpenBSD?

Should there be any effort to port some trendy this year marketed
commercially supported tool while the entire OpenBSD feature set
totally obsoletes the tool on application design stage, or is there any
good reason to be this effort?

You know complexity and tool mixes enforce complexity and reliability
problems to all levels including the personnel installing and
maintaining the software stack, despite what marketing material says.

> Wish I didn't have to ask, but it's the only way I can install Discourse 
> (https://github.com/discourse/discourse) without being shunned by its 
> community (https://forums.docker.com/t/solutions-for-docker-on-freebsd/2082/).

Maybe you don't have to ask after all ;-) Let me rephrase:

A good idea is to follow the developer instructions and install on
Linux and/or FreeBSD, or rather the operating systems and environments
used by the application developers, otherwise you're depraving yourself
of their help and support, or would you think of it as dependability.

Optimistically, OpenBSD has always solved problems elegantly and
efficiently, so look forward in the future for the sustainable way to
solve the problems your question relates to. This future may be now,
depending how good the application developers understand OpenBSD and
what this gives us as correct solutions.

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