On Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 06:27:17AM -0700, luke...@onemodel.org wrote:
> [sorry for the dupe; correcting the 'from' address.]
> On 11/07/15 04:20, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
> >On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 05:00:13PM -0700, luke...@onemodel.org wrote:
> >>On 09/11/15 11:55, luke...@onemodel.org wrote:
> >>[...details are found in original thread at:
> >>     http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144199440202788&w=2
> >>]
> >>Is there other info I can provide, or something I should try?
> >>
> >you could try to kill sndiod and run as root:
> >
> >sndiod -ddd 2>/tmp/sndiod-log
> >...
> >(audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log
> >
> >and send me both files.  Or at least last few megs if the file is
> >huge.
> Since the problem was already occurring I can provide that now. I
> killed/restareted sndiod as described, attempted to run "timidity
> *.mid", but instead of the error output I described earlier it just
> produced repeated chimes (ie, the audible symptoms of the problem).
> Then doing this as  root:
>   (audioctl ; sleep 1 ; audioctl) >/tmp/audioctl-log
> ...yields the 2nd of the 2 logs pasted below.  (But I wonder
> if I did things in a way
> that makes them informative enough, or if the problem needs
> to be absent when I start the "sndiod..." command, and begin
> while that is in debug mode, or anything.)

sorry, forgot to mention it; please restart sndiod first; this way
all the operations that lead to the bug are logged.  Then, right
after the failure, run the audioctl commands.


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