[I see I sent with too-long lines by mistake; sorry; resending with
that corrected.]

On 11/23/15 05:11, Alexandre Ratchov wrote:
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:31:34AM -0700, luke...@onemodel.org wrote:
Could the root umask of 0077 be a problem?  my /tmp/aucat directory
has different permissions than yours.

The problem is in sndiod; it's supposed create a world readable
directory regardless the user umask.

I just commited the fix; you could either start it with the 022
umask now or rebuild sndiod with sndiod.c rev 1.14 or newer.

Let me know if things work better.

Thanks. Now sndiod -ddd log output is more like what you were looking
for.  Would it be good for sndiod to complain more verbosely when that
problem occurs (ie, in a way that's easier to diagnose such an issue
in the future)?

I set that umask for all
users to avoid forgetfully
bleeding information between accounts.

Another option is to create the home directories with mode 0700 and
leave the default umask.  This doesn't protect files outside their
home dir, but I'm not sure this would be a problem.

Would the 0077 umask simply be a better default for the OS?  I haven't
checked historical discussions behind that yet, but on the surface it
seems better to me. Some issues would have to be addressed in packages.
Or is that a question I should ask in a separate thread?

Now, having changed that permission, and restarted sndiod to get the
log output, I duplicated your earlier diagnostic tips with aucat,
then played part of a .mid file with timidity, no problems to there,
all showing in the log, then started a video in smplayer (now under
a different account, via ssh -X), jumping forward/backward with L/R
arrow keys, and then adjusting the volume using the xfce applet,
which finally duplicated the stuttering sound problem.

/tmp#la aucat/
total 24
srw-rw-rw-   1 root  wheel     0 Nov 23 08:26 aucat0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Nov 23 08:26 .
drwxrwxrwt  30 root  wheel  7168 Nov 23 08:46 ..

Does the log show anything useful about what might cause the
stuttering or what I could do for more info?  I posted the new
log at:

Thanks again.

Luke A. Call
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