On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 02:20:35PM +0300, Mihai Popescu wrote:
> Hello,
> This question is somehow off topic but I know there are some readers
> here old enough to shade some light in this matter.
> I want to get and idea of what was or is an old true hardware UNIX
> terminal. I have searched google, but the word "terminal" associated
> with UNIX points most of the time to what we know today as UNIX shell.
> If someone, please, can show me a doc or explain a little bit what was
> a terminal at that moment back in time. I know that it was some kind
> of hardware, maybe RS232 related, used to connect to some main frame.
> But I am unable to find the details. I even lack some tech words to
> search deeper on the web.
> Thank you.

I owned, until a few years ago, an orange-on-black vt320 terminal
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VT320).  I used it to interface with my
Sun Ultra 5 workstation and I also used it for an older Sun SPARCstation
4.  I believe I ran OpenBSD on them, but I'm sure I used NetBSD most of
the time (late 90's).  I've always been working at the command line.
so I'm not really interested in the X stuff, especially not on slower

Working on the vt320 was easy on the eyes (soft large-ish letters) and
the monitor itself was smaller than the bulky CRTs of the pre-LCD era.

I used it at home from time to time, not at work.  I gave it, and the
Sun machines, up when I got tired of the long compile times of the
machines and the slow serial line to the terminal.  But I still regret
dumping the terminal, it was kinda neat.  I might be trying to find
another one eventually, or something like it, but I have nothing to
connect it to at the moment...

Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri, Bioinformatics Developer, Uppsala, Sweden
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