Actually, there is indeed some knowledge that can't get from manual and
faq. I usually use wikipedia and openbsd src tree(especially, the include
files) as references(and the most interesting part i love is the comments
embeded in the source code).
2016年5月8日 上午2:53,"Alex Poslavsky"

> On 05/07, David Lou wrote:
>> I wasn't able to find such a thing but perhaps I just missed it. I
>> am wondering if anyone in the community knows whether such manuals
>> exist for OpenBSD. Manpages are nice but they're not what I'm looking
>> for. Trying to learn OpenBSD by looking up individual manpages is like
>> trying to learn C programming by looking up individual functions. Sure
>> you get a description of the functions but you will NOT get all the
>> background information like C syntax, semantics, memory model,
>> pointers, the whole shebang that every beginner *should* know, but
>> don't have the background knowledge to know that they should be
>> looking these up in manpages or elsewhere.
>> I'd like to acquire confident working knowledge in OpenBSD. If no
>> such manuals exist, then I'm wondering how did you or other expert
>> users learn how to use and administrate the system, what the best
>> programming practices are, etc. and have confidence that what they're
>> doing is what they think they're doing? Surely it's not just by
>> trial and error and seeing what appears to work because their
>> ignorance will be a frustrating source of bugs and security flaws?
> Besides the FAQ, the Absolute OpenBSD book is good as well:
> But you sell the OpenBSD manpages short. As a beginner
> myself, I noticed that virtually every question I have can be answered
> with either the FAQ, or the man-pages.
> The man-pages in OpenBSD are much more comprehensive *and* cohesive
> then on Linux. Start with help(1) and afterboot(8), then  intro(1..9).
> From there follow all the links it gives you, and you'll have a very good
> overview of your system. The man-pages not just explain command-line
> switches, they also explain the how, with working examples, and why of
> commands, system calls, the c-library etc.
> Have fun, Alex

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