On Sat, May 07, 2016 at 11:12:56AM +0000, David Lou wrote:
> I wasn't able to find such a thing but perhaps I just missed it. I
> am wondering if anyone in the community knows whether such manuals
> exist for OpenBSD. Manpages are nice but they're not what I'm looking
> for. Trying to learn OpenBSD by looking up individual manpages is like
> trying to learn C programming by looking up individual functions. Sure
> you get a description of the functions but you will NOT get all the
> background information like C syntax, semantics, memory model,
> pointers, the whole shebang that every beginner *should* know, but
> don't have the background knowledge to know that they should be
> looking these up in manpages or elsewhere.
> I'd like to acquire confident working knowledge in OpenBSD. If no
> such manuals exist, then I'm wondering how did you or other expert
> users learn how to use and administrate the system, what the best
> programming practices are, etc. and have confidence that what they're
> doing is what they think they're doing? Surely it's not just by
> trial and error and seeing what appears to work because their
> ignorance will be a frustrating source of bugs and security flaws?

I'm willing to share my experience with you.  First off I'm a mediocre
programmer at best.  Writing C code wasn't so much a challenge, it was
reading and understanding others code.  I started programming C at around
1996, for which I had some "teach yourself C in 2 weeks" book.  I have
since forgotten about it, but the only thing that stuck with me was how
a singly linked list was made in it, nowadays people don't do that and
use the queue(3) macros found in libc.  Around 1997 I then bought the
infamous K&R book (2nd edition).  I remember being stuck on pointers and
reading the same pages over and over in the back of a bus while going
to work.  Also around 1996 a person who I got to know through MUD games
was nice enough to answer some questions.  He sent me some skeleton server
code which was nice enough to give me some idea how sockets worked, but 
later I bought UNIX Network Programming by W.R.Stevens, that was the first
edition where only a single book and not a series existed (I got the 2nd
editions too, a bit later).  So may it be told that books are the #1 source
of information on this, the rest is a nice to have but not really that
important.  With a budget of $200 dollars you can get 3 or 4 rocking books
to help with your C education.  200 is a lot but not if you work somewhere
you can save up for it.  In terms of security flaws it's being alert and
questioning something IMO, don't take a "pro's" advice on that "it's just
unimportant" but stick with it, and try to scientifically find the fix.

You know science where you have a thesis, do some work to proof your answer
and then produce a conclusion, and this conclusion often has a fix for your
work.  It's the application of method when I say scientifically finding proof.
When dealing with computer science you'll need to read code when you want
something improved, and you'll need experience with your method in order to
find those "hard to do" parts and understand how "they" did that, in order
to apply your fix.  I personally also see people run statistics to show that
something improved that they did.

OK long ramble.  Maybe it's an answer you can use.  Having failed it however
one may just say "you need a university education" which doesn't apply to me
in any case although I have a few college credits in computer engineering.


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