> On Jun 3, 2016, at 8:42 PM, Erling Westenvik <erling.westen...@gmail.com>
> As much as I endorse and approve of any effort to create a good solution
> for handling wifi's, I must say I find the use of perl and json
> unnecessary for such a project. I've been using a "pure ksh" solution
> named wiconfig since 2013 and which was posted here at @misc back in
> 2011 or 2012:

I've checked out wiconfig prior to wifind, but I couldn't figure out how to
use it, and couldn't figure it out from the 500-line shell script.

This script, for now, merely parses a config file and ifconfig scan output and
writes a new hostname.if. I understand it.

> It is available on github:
> https://github.com/devious/wiconfig/blob/master/wiconfig
> wiconfig:
> - Works great with apm/resume, including trunk(4) interfaces.
> - Has no dependencies. Just pure old fashioned ksh.

This is a nice benefit, as it can be run even when upgrading, theoretically.

> - Stores (accepted) connections in plain text format. (/etc/wiconfig.db)

I couldn't figure this out from the documentation and code, unfortunately.

> - Handles quoted nwids.

Does it handle nwids with quotes within, eg "network "name""?

> - Does not require writing to /etc/hostname.if-files.

The reason I chose to write hostname.if files is upgrades. I don't expect this
program to be functional during upgrades, nor any other non-base solution. So
the simplest solution was to save the latest best-known network configuration
so that the network would have a decent chance of being usable during


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