Hello Erling,

On 2016-06-03 Fri 14:42 PM |, Erling Westenvik wrote:
> It is available on github:

Port it too, with your README or man page.

Packaged as /usr/local/sbin/wiconfig instead of /etc/wiconfig

# sh /etc/wiconfig iwi0


# wiconfig iwi0

... and /etc/apmd/resume is simpler too:
wiconfig -qs iwi0

> wiconfig:
> - Works great with apm/resume, including trunk(4) interfaces.
> - Has no dependencies. Just pure old fashioned ksh.


> - Stores (accepted) connections in plain text format. (/etc/wiconfig.db)

How about moving that to /var/db/ ? (Like the plain text dhcpd.leases)

When creating the db, you could do it with 1 command:
[[ -e $wiconfigdb ]] || install -b -m 640 /dev/null $wiconfigdb

This can be done in the port, so it never needs to be done at run time,
and you can remove createdb() as it is created at package install.

> - Handles quoted nwids.
> - Does not require writing to /etc/hostname.if-files.

A beer delayed is a beer denied.

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